AInCI: International Association of Interactive Communication

ALAIPO: Latin Association of HCI

Second International Symposium on

Communicability, Computer Graphics and Innovative Design for Interactive Systems

(CCGIDIS 2012)

:: Valle d'Aosta, Italy ::

July 5 – 6, 2012





All contributions –papers, workshops, demos and doctoral consortium, should be of high quality, originality, clarity, significance and impact. In the current international symposium/conference it is demonstrated how with a correct integration among professionals of formal and factual sciences interesting research lines in the following subjects: 2D, 3D, Advances in Programming Languages and Techniques for Computer Graphics, Audio-Visual, CAD, CAE, CAM, Cloud computing, Communicability, Computer Animation, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Creativity and Original Desing, Education, Human-Computer Communication, Human-Computer Interaction, Industrial Design, Imaging, Intelligent User Interface, Interactive Systems On-line and Off-line, Modelling, Quality Design, Rendering, Scientific Visualization, Ubiquitous Computing, Virtual Agents On-line, etc.

In others words, in the current space of the international conference we intend to set up a context of exchange of experiences, projects in their way of development and reflexion about theoretical aspects with the purpose of drawing guidelines for the future in the middle and long run. Consequently, the discussion will be focused on – but not limited to – the following main issues (alphabetical order):

:: Audio-Visual Communication
:: Auditory Contents of Interactive Systems
:: Augmented Realities
:: Computer-Aided Design
:: Computer-Aided Engineering
:: Computer-Aided Manufacturing
:: Changes and Challenges in Computer Graphics for Education
:: Cinema 3D
:: Cloud Assistance in Multimedia Content Distribution
:: Cognitive Modeling
:: Coherence in Ray Tracing
:: Communicability
:: Computer Graphics and Computer Animation for for Users with Physical Disabilities
:: Computational Photography
:: Computer Art
:: Cultural and Social Impact of Mobile Multimedia Systems for Education
:: Database and Compression Methods of the Graphic Information
:: Digital Cartography
:: Digital Divide
:: Digital Sound
:: Eco-design
:: Educational and Computer Graphics Innovation through Knowledge Transfer
:: Efficiency and Complexity Issues in Graphics Algorithms
:: Ergonomics
:: Evolutionary Procedural Modeling
:: Finite Element Methods in Graphics
:: Flow Visualization
:: Forward Ray Tracing
:: Fractals and Chaos: Theory and Experiments
:: Game Artificial Intelligence
:: Graphics Languages
:: Human Factors in Applications for Computer Graphics
:: Human Perception and Graphics
:: Illumination Techniques
:: Industrial Design and Simulation
:: Integration of Hypermedia Systems and Virtual Reality in Educational Contents
:: Intelligent Graphics
:: Interactions in Virtual Reality
:: Interactive Design
:: Interactive Geometric Processing
:: Local and Global Interactive Design for E-learning
:: Mesh Processing
:: Methods for Heuristic Evaluation of Multimedia Systems
:: Mixed Reality
:: Modeling Natural Phenomena
:: Modeling Non-rigid Objects
:: Models of Design for Interactive Systems of Communication
:: Molecular Graphics
:: Morphing
:: Motion Capture
:: Multimedia Immersive Networked Environments
:: Natural Phenomena and Computer Graphics Emulation
:: Networks and Information Security
:: New Digital Media and Computer Animation Used in Preschool
:: Non-Photorealistic Rendering
:: Object-Oriented Graphics
:: Open-Source Software
:: Particle Systems
:: Perceptual Quality in Image
:: Procedural Modelling
:: Quality Attributes for Communicability
:: Radiosity
:: Real-World Deployment Experience of Multimedia Distribution Platforms
:: Semiotics and the Assessment of the Statics and Dynamics Images
:: Shape Analysis
:: Social Networking, CAD and Teleworking
:: Social Impact of Visual Emerging Technologies for Education
:: Software and Web Engineering
:: Special Effects
:: Speech and Natural Language Interfaces
:: Surface and Light Interactions
:: Surface Appearance, Formation and Enhancement
:: Techniques for the Quality Evaluation of Communication
:: Technology-Enhanced Learning
:: Telecommunications
:: Texture Mapping
:: Three-dimensional Reconstruction for Education
:: Topics in Computational Geometry
:: TV Interactive
:: Usability Engineering
:: User-Centered Design
:: Video Games for Learning
:: Virtual Tutor
:: Virtual Classroom and Virtual Campus Applications
:: Virtual Museums and E-tourism for New Educational Systems
:: Visualizing Multivariate Data
:: Volume Visualization
:: Web 2.0
:: Web 3.0
:: Wireless and Mobile Computer Science

CCGIDIS 2012 :: Valle d'Aosta, Italy :: 5 and 6, July 2012

CCGIDIS 2012 :: Valle d'Aosta, Italy :: 5 and 6, July 2012

CCGIDIS 2012 :: Valle d'Aosta, Italy :: 5 and 6, July 2012

IGI Global :: USANova Science Publishers :: USA

Blue Herons Editions :: Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy

Microsoft :: SpainHewlett Packard :: SpainElectronic Arts :: SpainOcé :: Spain

Intel :: SpainIBM :: ArgentinaGameloft :: SpainAdobe :: Spain

CADdy :: SpainGedisa Editorial :: SpainPTC :: Spain

ASIDEK :: SpainAVANTEK :: SpainCADTECH :: Spain

Autodesk :: SpainD-Link :: SpainRoland :: Spain

Oracle :: ArgentinaPressgraph Media Group :: SpainSerena Digital :: Spain

Disney Research :: USA

Museo Pepone e Don Camillo - Brescello (R.E.) ItalyFestival del Cinema :: Brescello (R.E.) Italy

Computer Graphics World :: USAMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovacion :: Spain

Turismo :: Italy

Blue Herons Editions :: Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy

HCI Lab :: 1997 :: 2012


::. ARTESIS .::
Artesis University College Antwerp

::. CNR - IIT .::
National Research Council - Institute of Informatics and Telematics

::. FUN .::
Future University Hakodate

::. IITD .::
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

::. ITB .::
Institute of Technology Bandung

::. KAUS .::
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Saudi Arabia

Kettering University

::. KTH .::
Royal Institute of Technology Sweeden

::. LNU .::
Linnaeus University

::. MDX .::
Middlesex University

::. METU .::
Middle East Technical University

::. MJU .::
Myongji University
South Korea

::. NNU .::
National United University

::. MSU .::
Moscow State University

::. NAPIER .::
Edinburgh Napier University

::. PURDUE .::
Purdue University

::. TAIBAHU .::
Taibah University
Saudi Arabia

::. TSINGHUA .::
Tsinghua University

::. UBA .::
Universidad de Buenos Aires

::. UCC .::
University College Cork

::. UCM .::
Universidad Complutense

::. UCR .::
Universidad de Costa Rica
Costa Rica

::. UdelaR .::
Universidad de la República

::. UGR .::
Universidad de Granada

::. UM .::
University of Malta

::. UHK .::
University of Hong Kong

::. UTN .::
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

::. UMD .::
University of Michigan-Dearborn

::. UNC .::
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

::. UNED .::
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

::. UNIMB .::
University of Maribor

::. UNPA .::
Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral

::. UNICEN .::
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

::. UNILJ .::
University of Ljubljana

::. UNIMI .::
Università degli Studi di Milano

::. UNLaM .::
Universidad Nacional de La Matanza

::. UofO .::
University of Ottawa

::. UOI .::
University of Ioannina

::. UPR .::
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico

::. US .::
Universidad de Sevilla

::. USC .::
University of Southern California

::. UVa .::
Universidad de Valladolid

::. UWI .::
University of the West Indies

::. VMMI .::
Virtual Maastricht McLuhan Institute
the Netherlands

::. WSU .::
Wayne State University

© 1997 - 2012 AINCI & HCI Lab